The New Board of Directors

As of ratification of the new ByLaws March 31, 2023, the board of directors have changed. As with prior years, however, the board elections occur with half the members on even years, and the other half on odd years. This staggered schedule is intended to improve continuity from year to year.

The first round under the new ByLaws was a special election completed in June 2023.  The second round concluded in November 2023.

Going forward, elections will be scheduled in the fall with voting to conclude in November one to two weeks prior to the Annual Membership Meeting.


Schedule of Elections

Positions for Even Year Elections

Term begins Jan 1st following

Positions for Odd Year Elections

Term begins Jan 1st following


VP, Programs

VP, Communications

VP, Finance

VP, Operations

VP, Education

VP, Partnerships

VP, Outreach

VP, Technology



Reference Documents

This document summarizes the first Board of Director elections held in 2023 under the new ByLaws ratified March 31, 2023.


Excerpt from ByLaws:

"Section 3.  Governance for Board elected positions will be maintained in the Chapter’s Governance Guidelines. No candidate can resign from one elected position to be nominated for another elected position."  

See full Bylaws for more.

Link to the full ByLaws document:  PMI-Hawaii-Chapter-Bylaws-2023-03-31.pdf


Board Descriptions for Even Year Elections

2024, 2026, 2028...

President / CEO

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer for the Chapter and of the Board and shall perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers: lead the Board with chapter focus on alignment to PMI global initiatives, strategic planning, annual planning, partnerships building, and meeting the needs of the membership.  The President must have served a full two-year term in another elected position before submitting a nomination as a candidate for election. The President shall also serve as a member ex-officio with the right to participate and vote on all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint a chair from the existing Board for all meetings in which the President is unable to attend.

Vice President of Communications

The Vice President of Communications shall be responsible for the internal and external communications of the Chapter both in the public and private domain.  Duties will include but not limited to: planning, coordinating and publishing the Chapter’s webpage, social media, periodic newsletters, email distributions, and chapter event announcements.  Performs other duties as assigned.

Vice President of Operations

The Vice President of Operations shall maintain Chapter policies, procedures, and governance guidelines, provide administrative support, and manage volunteers. Duties will include but not be limited to: Chapter governance guidelines, calendar of events, board and chapter business meeting minutes, position descriptions, committee charters, and management of the membership and volunteer pool. Will address the needs of Chapter members, including membership recruitment, retention, and associated value delivery in accordance with chapter policies and bylaws. Performs other duties as assigned.

Vice President of Partnerships

The Vice President of Partnerships shall be responsible for building and maintaining strategic partnerships with a corporate sponsor focus. Duties shall include but not be limited to: engaging with local businesses, professional organizations to solicit, evaluate and secure corporate sponsorships, and non-profit organizations to establish mutually beneficial activities. Performs other duties as assigned.

Vice President of Technology

The Vice President of Technology shall be responsible for managing and maintaining all technology tools, IT Assets and IT Governance of the Chapter. Duties shall include but not be limited to: knowledge management, social media and collaboration platforms, data management and analysis, historical archives, PMI® reporting system and chapter information technology applications. Performs other duties as assigned.

Board Descriptions for Odd Year Elections.

2023, 2025, 2027 ...

Vice President of Programs

The Vice President of Programs shall be responsible for Chapter programs, Professional Development Day (PDD), and Project of the Year and Project Manager of the Year awards.  Duties will include but not be limited to: planning, coordinating and executing of Chapter programs such as breakfast round-tables, chapter luncheons, panel discussions, and webinars, PDD, and awards. Performs other duties as assigned.

Vice President of Finance

The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for the management of funds for duly authorized purposes of the Chapter.   Duties will include but not be limited to:  budget formulation, investments, reporting status of funds, procurement, tax filings, and articles of incorporation.  Financial records will be maintained in accordance with applicable state and federal requirements. Performs other duties as assigned.

Vice President of Education

The Vice President of Education shall be responsible for training and mentorship opportunities. Duties will include but not be limited to: planning, coordinating and delivering the Chapter’s educational activities such study groups, courses, certification preparation trainings, and mentoring programs. Performs other duties as assigned.

Vice President of Outreach

The Vice President of Outreach shall be responsible for building and maintaining relationships to support Chapter exposure and altruistic activities.  Duties shall include but not be limited to: engagements with corporate businesses, non-profit organizations, community organizations, military community, and non-PMI® conference events, college and youth outreach. Performs other duties as assigned.