22 November 2022 at 12:00AM
PMI Honolulu Member Kenneth Smith's article gets published in PM World Journal November 2022 Issue
By Dr. Kenneth Smith, PMP
The world’s longest Christmas season has been underway in the Philippines since September 1, albeit somewhat subdued this year; while Christmas and other holidays — religious and secular – are coming up in rest of the world. This year’s season of “holiday cheer” is dampened by widespread inflation, disrupted economic supply-chains as well as under- & un-employment; giving rise to frustration on all sides, short-tempered outbursts and downright despair. Nevertheless, despite gloom & doom in the Economic Sector, hope of improvement in Public Sector ‘policy, bureaucracy & public service’ abounds – at least in ‘my small world’ — with expectations from recent or anticipated changes. To wit, the new Philippine regime just completed its first 100-day milestone[1] and is undergoing ad hoc performance assessment by the media; while mid-term elections are imminent in America. Given the acrimonious run-up in the U.S., changes are bound to occur there after the New Year at the national level as well as in some States.
For the full article click here in PM World Journal, Volume XI, Issue 11 November 2022
By Dr. Kenneth Smith, PMP
PERT-Cost is a relatively new management technique in the complex field of Research and Development management – an extension of the more familiar PERT-Time, Critical Path methodology which has gained wide acceptance in government and industry. Although PERT-Cost is required on many large-scale R&D projects within the Department of Defense, and can be extremely useful in managing others, many individuals hold PERT-Cost sub judice, hesitating and uncertain whether it is a major breakthrough in management or just another system, trading on a familiar name.
One of the most controversial aspects of PERT-Cost is an item called “Value of Work Completed,” or more usually, just “Value.” Significantly, “Value” lies at the heart of PERT-Cost and a thorough understanding of it is essential to evaluating the entire system.
For the full article click here in PM World Journal, Volume XI, Issue 11 November 2022
For more information contact Dr. Kenneth Smith