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PDD 2016: The 20 Golden Rules for New (or Any) Project Managers

Olelo Cablecast

Watch on Olelo Channel 53:

Broadcast Title:

PDD 2016: The 20 Golden Rules for New (or Any) Project Managers


Broadcast Days/Dates/Times (Olelo Ch. 53):

Sunday – November 11 – 12pm

Sunday – November 18 – 12pm

Sunday – November 25 – 12pm

Sunday – December 2 – 12pm


Mr Daniel Tousignant, PMP, PMI-ACP

Speaker Bio:

Dan Tousignant is a senior level consultant and trainer. He has extensive experience managing relationships at the C level. Based upon his 20 years of management experience, Dan is currently sought after to train business professionals in project management, internet marketing and Agile Software development.  Dan has 20 years of experience providing world class project management for strategic projects with direct P& L experience managing up to 50 million dollar project budgets.



Whether you are a new or current project manager this session is for you. Being a project manager is a rewarding and fulfilling career if you have the right skills and educationto be effective. It is one of the few positions that can launch someone’s career quickly and provide them with responsibility that outweighs their peers.  This presentation will answer many of the questions that would only otherwise be answered with years of experience. Hear from an expert like the speaker, and you will learn from his experience of trial and error, along with project successes and failures.

Note: This is a leadership PDU


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