07 May 2023 at 11:00AM
2022 PDD Video – Rusty Komori Lunch Keynote Greatness Is A Choice
Speaker Biography: Rusty Komori is the former head coach of the Punahou Boys Varsity Tennis Team who won 22 consecutive State Championships setting a National Record in all sports. He is the author of two best selling books Beyond The Lines & Beyond The Game and is the TV host of ThinkTech Hawaii's #1 TV show Beyond The Lines. Rusty is a highly sought-after Keynote Speaker, Executive Coach, and Leadership Coach, and was inducted into Creighton University's Hall of Fame in 2014.
Description: Learn what all leaders must know to lead successful teams in this inspirational keynote session that focuses on the Three Cs of Leadership: Choices, Communication, and Culture that are highlighted in Rusty's second book Beyond The Game.
This session was presented at PMI Honolulu's 2022 PDD - for more information, click here.
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