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2020 PMI Honolulu Hawaii Chapter Board of Directors Nominations

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2020 PMI Honolulu Hawaii Chapter Board of Directors Nominations 


PMI Honolulu Hawaii Chapter is still seeking nominations for its upcoming 2020 elections for Board of Directors.

Nominator must be a current PMIHNL chapter member.

Nominee must be a current PMIHNL chapter member at time of nomination and maintain good standing throughout the election process to remain on the ballot.

Nominees must accept nomination to be considered a candidate for that office.

A member may submit more than one nomination.

A member may nominate themselves (volunteer) for office.


  • Go to nomination form: https://pmihnl.typeform.com/to/SRVQln
  • Complete the form.  We will conduct a two-stage process for accepting nominations:
    • Receive nominations
    • Confirm acceptance from

Complete the nomination form no later than August 5, 2019.  

2020 Vacancies:

  • Vice President / President Elect 2021
  • Finance Director
  • Publicity Director
  • Professional Development Director
  • Programs Director

Election Timeline:

  • July 1 - August 5: Call for Nominations
  • September 6 - October 4: Elections
  • October 11: Winners Announced
  • November 1: Installation during the Annual Meeting

Benefits of Serving on the Board:

  • Gain invaluable leadership experience as a Board member.
  • Expand your professional network in the PMI community.
  • Give back to the profession.
  • Earn PDUs through volunteer hours.
  • Complimentary or reduced price to the Chapter's Annual Professional Development Day Conference.
  • Complimentary or reduced price to PMI Honolulu Chapter meetings.
  • If possible, attend the PMI Region 7 or North America Leadership Conference.
  • Access to PMI.org Leadership resources.

Position descriptions for each office may be viewed on our website: click here

Nominate a future chapter leader, vote and get involved in our chapter's future!


Email Kane Ng-Osorio, Past President at PastPresident@pmihnl.org


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